Monday, August 24, 2009

Philip... August 24, 2009 8:41 AM

Paul's memory of the left hand drive stunt is accurate.  Sometimes the guy on
the right would pretend to swerve into the path of an oncoming vehicle... a
waste of time with Mrs. C., of course! There was a wicked sharp bend on a steep
hill on the way in and out of town (kilo 5?)where I nearly came a cropper more
than once... you really couldn't see around the corner, but that didn't stop
some people (guilty as charged) overtaking... We were immortal, like all late
teens out to impress...I still get shivers when I remember some of the close
calls on that corner... or going down to the beach... on almost bald tyres and
five up... I loved that beach... and having to jam on the anchors when entering
a small town to find two cowboys stopped on their nags in the middle of the
road, facing different directions, rolling smokes and discussing the eternal
concerns of mankind... There is definitely a book in all this...

1 comment:

  1. re earthquakes, I found myself driving down the wrong side of the road one late morning (Sunday?)heading into town and suddenly found myself driving on the wrong side of the road... I thought I was hung over... I often confuse left and right anyway, as the above story proves...

